Innovation in buffering ensures significant process optimization and labor savings

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Increased capacity through smarter packaging

The pharmacy is this case is a specialist in automated customized packaging of medicines for patients. The company now meets the medication needs of approximately 198,000 patients per week. And the demand for their special packaging continues to grow. In order to continue to provide this, they have made their packing process smarter with a temporary storage solution from DenseStorage.

Overview and grip

The special packaging this pharmacy delivers, enables patients who use multiple medicines at the same time to keep an overview. Therapy compliance also improves through the use of this special packaging. Patients keep control because they have their medication in one bag for each time they are taken. It is an alternative to putting out medications in medicine boxes. The pharmacy now counts a wide range of care centers, penitentiaries, nursing homes and home care patients among their customer base.

Economical with square meters in the production area

The pharmacy uses an advanced production process. This ensures error-free packaging. Due to the increasing demand, the pharmacy focuses on production process, which is becoming ever smarter. Key issues here are the economical use of square metres in the production space and the deployment of personnel. “We are also faced with a shortage in the labor market. That is why we develop algorithms and automate where possible. The outcome remains the same: an error-free packaging,” says their IT and process innovation manager, and driving force behind IT innovation.

If you can’t go faster, you have to be smarter

The pharmacy processes approximately 2,200 medication rolls per hour. These roles go through three steps in the production process: production, inspection and shipping. “Until recently we were short of resources during the expedition. Innovation turned out to be the solution. Since we can’t go faster, we have to be smarter. That is why we implemented the DenseStorage solution.”

From dovecote to automated storage and delivery

The special packages are combined per order during the expedition. “This is the last step in the process step, also called the dovecote. It is a very labor-intensive step that requires 26 employees in one day. We can very well use these hands at another point in the process,” The IT and process innovation manager indicates. “That is why we decided to invest in automating the operations.” This automation will eventually lead to the replacement of the dovecote and it is now 60% operational. The machine collects the packages and stores them in trays, divided into six cubes. In concrete terms, this means a capacity of 8,000 trays with special packages. When the order is complete, the machine releases all rolls at once for shipping.


The new buffer solution is adaptable and can therefore grow with the wishes of the pharmacy, for example by further increasing the service. This way, the system can sort packages in alphabetical order. Or it can be sorted by date of birth of the patient or by walking route in the healthcare institution. This also makes the innovation the right solution for the future.

At DenseStorage we strive to continuously innovate. Our integrated approach and sustainable solutions remain at the core of our efforts. With our innovations, we aim to not only improve current logistics practices, but also contribute to a more sustainable and greener future for our customers. Would you like to know more?